Case Study

Benchmarking of Customer Satisfaction and Service Levels on PFI Contract

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A large multinational contractor, engaged in providing road management and street cleaning services for a local council under a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contract, initiated Leading Edge to complete a project to benchmark customer satisfaction. The objective was to measure resident satisfaction levels with a range of public services and establish a system for annual tracking of these ratings.

Project Objectives: Assessing Resident Satisfaction with Public Services

The primary goal of this project was to gauge the satisfaction levels of residents in the council area regarding various public services provided by the contractor. This assessment aimed to create a baseline for satisfaction levels and develop a mechanism to track these ratings on an annual basis, thereby enabling continuous improvement in service delivery.

Research Methodology: Comprehensive Resident Surveys

To meet the project objectives, the team employed a two-phase survey approach. First, an online questionnaire was distributed to 1,200 residents within the council area, designed to capture a broad spectrum of feedback on satisfaction levels. Complementing this, a telephone survey was conducted with 100 residents, offering an opportunity for more qualitative feedback. This approach allowed for a deeper understanding of the reasons behind the residents’ ratings and perceptions of the services provided.

Outcomes and Benefits for the Contractor

The surveys provided significant insights for the client. They identified the services that were of key importance to local residents and highlighted those that were performing well, as well as those requiring improvement. This information was crucial for the contractor to plan resources more effectively and meet client requirements. Additionally, a tracking mechanism was established to monitor the impact of any changes in service levels over time, providing a valuable tool for ongoing service management and enhancement.

Conclusion: Enhancing Service Delivery through Resident Feedback

The information collected highlights the importance of systematically gathering and analysing customer feedback in the public services sector. The combination of online and telephone surveys provided the contractor with a comprehensive view of resident satisfaction. This approach not only informed immediate improvements in service delivery but also established a framework for continual assessment and enhancement of service quality, reflecting a commitment to meeting and exceeding resident expectations in public service provision.

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